You can see more of the talented work by
VLC Authors at the following sites:
comprehensive site offers "All B/G. All the
time." Check out the fanfic archives, the boards and
the marvelous art and more! |
Wicked Fox runs
"Unrequited," a wonderful site that offers BtVS shipping at it's very
twisted best. You should be sure to expect the
unexpected! |
Council hosts the many memorable videos made by Giles Fan and
other talented vidders. Giles Fan's warped poetry
and BG essays are hosted by The List as well as several other
fine fic archives. |

site, "Once More With Feeling" is a ASH/Giles/BG site featuring
fanfic (including some of the finest epilogues in the genre),
fakies, scans, and more. |

"Koala's Place" is where you go for Koala's amazing
fanfic, fakies and music videos. Check out the
extraordinary range of work available here. |
Little Bit of ASH Goes Right to Your Head" is currently
offline, but you can find Weez's Work at the Demons & Destiny Archives. |
Vision" hosts Tara Keezer's work, including the brilliant
crossovers with the Anita Blake and Quantum Leap Universes.
She advises that before you click through you must note her
disclaimer that "Cape does not enable user to fly." |
work is being archived at Demons & Destiny. Check out
there the first fic of what we hope will be a long series! |
Sites that Support VLC include:
we are offering reciprocal links with BG-focused sites
only. If you run a BG site and would like to place one of
our buttons/banners
on your site and request a link here, please write to Gilesfan @ (remove the spaces!) and we will update the
site. You may attach a button 100 x 35. |

Demons & Destiny

Oakpark Street

The Perfect Thing

Attic Space

Virtual Television

Virtual Series Guide

Realm of the
Tweedy Book Guy
Audience Awards...
The Lunatic Audience,
led by Michelle, Heide and Lady4ASH,
got together and awarded VLC some of their own awards.

Full details are available here.
(External) Award Nominations and Actual Awards:

Attic Space Winner:
Site of
the Month
Several groups have partnered to offer their versions of a virtual new season of BtVS. For B/G fans, or fans of the core Scoobs, there is no better alternative than the one presented by the Virtual Lunatics - A Whole New Slayground. The premise: Buffy, Dawn, Giles, Willow, & Xander are housed in an Oregon town, complete with ghosts, vamps, and other bumpies in the night. The goodies: The Scoobies are moving on into original and exciting new lives, but not leaving behind the baggage of Sunnydale. The icing: Buffy and Giles as friends... who struggle with wanting more. The production team: Some of the best B/G / Giles/ BtVS fanfic writers on the net. New episodes are 'aired' every other Tuesday, and the site is also filled with fun extras. A can't- miss for all fans!

Judgement Award Nominee
(multiple categories)

Pretty as a Picture
Award Nominee

Bodice Ripper
Award Nominee

Award Nominee

Award Nominee

Sweet Redepmtion
Award Nominee

StinkyYak Cheese
Award Nominee

Crosses Count
Award Nominee

Virtual Series
Award Nominee

Chosen Award Nominee

Virtual Emmys
Award Nominee

Shades of Grey
(multiple categories & rounds)
What the
judges at Stinky Yak said: Firstly, great site. We luv how its very beginner friendly and
unlike other sites lets visitors get the main story and other
bits before jumping right into the episodes. We luved all the
extra features especially Dawn's Diary (very well written!) and
fanart which add content and interesting ideas into the site.
Luv the manipulations and fanart. Keep up the great work!

For Best Overall Site

For Best Fanfic |
Lie To Me
Award Nominee

Halo Awards
Potential Awards

Futureverse Awards Nominee

Every So Humble Award Nominee
Sunnydale Slayer "Watcher Award" is to the
sites which have major content, originality, and just a lot to
keep a person busy. Also, a stunning layout, html or javascript
knowledge, and that makes me want to come back everyday!
What the
judges at Stinky Yak said: Your site Virtualunatics VS8, has won Best Buffy Site Runner Up, Most Interactive Site, Most Original and Judge's Choice. Firstly, let us say that Virtualunatics VS8 is one of the best virtual seasons on the net. We loved that not only have you created the episodes, but you've also added many interesting features to complement it - like the episode posters and VS8 extras like Dawn's Diary. It gives us something more to read after we've read the episode - as well as adding a variety of text types and media which integrates wonderfully. This makes the site more interesting and significantly in depth. You've also got a Board - in which a community has developed to talk about the new episodes and the site - making it quite friendly. Overall an excellent job - a virtual series that sets itself from others by making itself original, creating lovely "add on" features and creates a community that makes it interactive and interesting to anyone who comes. The Newcomer's section is quite helpful too!
Suggestions: The design and layout of the site could be improved. Try to keep the color themes and element layouts generally the same on all pages - as it can look disorganized at times. Also, the navigation varies from page to page making it confusing at times. Try to make a navigation that remains the same (look and positioning) on every page as visitors can get quite lost.
Even though you didn't win Viewer's Choice, here are your voter's comments anyway:
"The wonderful, talented, tireless Lunatics turned out a full season of episodes that was better than many, if not most, of those we saw on television. As if that weren't enough, the site is full of extra features including Dawn's Diary, Ethan's Journal, biographies of original characters, the town's newspaper - all kinds of stuff - that make visiting over and over again a fun and new experience every time. Plus the credits are awesome!"
"Great site! Creative quality!"
What the
judges at Stinky Yak said: Great site - very original and the Behind the Scenes feature is a great way to share your webmastering experiences with others. It was very interesting to read about how you came up with the episode posters and the creative process involved. It makes the site seem more "realistic" and the visitors see the site as great as it is - created by real people and fans just like them rather than some super-graphics genius.
The CoW files were also interesting to read about each off the staff at the site and it was presented in an original way - with humour. The webmasters come across as really friendly and helpful to the visitors - so they allow visitors to get involved in the site and can relate to each other in the forum. Excellent work.
Suggestions: The Behind the Scenes section is mainly on the graphics creation. How about adding sections about the creating the storylines of VS8 and how you made decisions about the characters and relationships?
And although you didn't win Viewer's Choice, here are your voters comments:
"Excellent website, strong stories!"
"For every reason you can think of! The excellent writing, beautiful art, engrossing storylines, fun original characters, creepy villains and lots of unique extras. It's a wonderful and rich site with so much
to enjoy. I keep going back."


Full Inteview and Review Available |
