Awards Offered by the
VLC Audience to the Lunatics |
Lies I Told Myself (And Truths Others Told to Me) was the audience favorite! (And who doesn't love that ending?) Once Upon a Time was a close second, and third place was a three way tie between Night of The Living Garden Gnomes, Traditions, and What Lies Within. Just as we thought - the episodes are all so great, it was very difficult to choose just one! Bek_Allen asked "Did anyone else have to 'eeny meeny minie mo' this poll???" Yeah, we all did! |
Favorite Site Extra |
It appears the stampede is in the direction of Dawn's Diary, which won easily with 66% of the vote. Ethan's journal came in second with 11%, but site comments show it growing in popularity--it was new when the poll was opened. As tori mc says, Dawn's journal is "a good insider's perspective on the happenings of the season and it makes Dawn more likable which is cool" Looks like even those of us who weren't terribly fond of Dawn as written by that other Buffy writing team (I think there was a Joss-somebody in there) now race to see what she has to tell us about the latest in VS8. Go Dawn! |
Best Non-Scooby |
Carrie Whedon was the clear favorite with 42% of the vote. Next came Hedwig with 22% and Lord Percy with 17%. We couldn't agree more with LoveTheWatcher that Xander "has such a warm and tender heart that he deserves someone to love him", but are we really sure that Ms Whedon isn't a demon and/or evil? Well, Carrie certainly won us over in the first half of VS8, let's see what more she has in store for us and for Xander! |
Best Villain |
Ethan is the undisputed champion of villainy with 70% of the vote. Even Druscilla could only muster 11% to come in second. Neena said it for us all. "What's not to love to hate about the terrifically sleazy (yet somehow still sexy) Ethan Rayne?" What indeed?! We hope he pulls himself together and wreaks a bit more havoc in the second half of the season. Whispering Pines just wouldn't be the same without Ethan skulking about in the shadows! |