Virtual Season 8
It's a Whole New Slayground!
PREVIOUSLY ON BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: Xander fell in love with the new girl, Buffy. She turned out to be a Vampire Slayer who died. At least twice. Xander fell in love with the substitute teacher, Miss French. She turned out to be a giant preying mantis who died. Xander fell in love with a transfer student, Impata. She turned out to be an ancient mummy girl who died. Xander fell in love with classmates Cordelia and Willow, and he had sex with the new Slayer, Faith. All eventually went evil at least once. Xander fell in love with Anya. She turned out to be a human made vengeance demon made human made vengeance demon made human who died. Xander dated a woman he picked up at the hardware store, Lyssa. She turned out to be an evil demon wanting to kill him, and he considered going gay as a result.
Finally, Xander fell in love with Carrie. She turned out to be human and fairly sensible. She's neither died nor gone evil. Yet.
Buffy and Giles fell in love with each other, but neither was terribly sensible, so their mutual interest remained a deep, dark secret until Valentine's Day, when they finally came out to each other. While Buffy's beau Brad wasn't particularly happy about it, he recognized that his relationship with Buffy wasn't going anywhere and has developed an interest in Lessa. Giles' significant other of the moment, Jo, took the news somewhat harder and hasn't found anyone new yet.
Dawn thought she was in love with Brian, but he turned out to be a complete dork. Mark, on the other hand, turned out to be just right.